While all was not well at Wheatley Hill – a further article from an early Church magazine:
The Sewing Meetings are being held at the Curatage every pay Monday from 2 o’clock to 8. We are somewhat disappointed that more are not turning up. Some who promised have not yet put in an appearance. Workers need not stay all the time, they can come or go early or late as convenient. The object is one that ought to appeal to all interested in the work of the Church.
The Parish Hall is most urgently needed for many purposes. We earnestly hope therefore, that all who can do ever so little will at once set to work. Some who may not be able to come to the meetings can perhaps do something at home. Mats, quilts, picture frames or smaller articles will be acceptable. Let each do as he is
disposed in his heart for the works sake. “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of theLord ye shall receive the reward of our inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ”.
I think we can assume, that the work of the sewing club was raising money for a new church/parish hall.